Sunday, November 4, 2012

Lord Russell against apologetics

         Lord Russell notes^ that: " It is strange that the last men of intellectual eminence before the dark ages were concerned with, not with saving civilization or expelling the  barbarians or reforming the abuses of the administration but with preaching the  merits of virginity and the damnation of unbaptized infants. Seeing that these were the preoccupations that the Church handed over to the converted  barbarians it is no wonder that he succeeding age surpassed almost all other fully historical periods in cruelty and superstition."

            Today, we discern that the more industrialize, less religious nations have fewer social problems. That very stress about virginity is quite misplaced,yet today's theocons here in America so stress virginity but to what avail when their girls become pregnant and have more sexual-transmitted diseases than girls who receive real sex education. Those who prattle about virginity and immoral sex just are reactionaries out of touch with sexual knowledge and practices. They ever wish to  legislate against us LBGT people and otherwise disturb what is truly moral!
          That I am a bisexual is my business. No theocon has any right to diminish my moral right in this matter.
           I also think that we should legalize prostitution and adult consensual incest. Laws already exist as to crimes connected to the former, and as far as children, the same  results occur with non-relatives who have defective genes, so let's not practice that double standard.
           Russell rightly aims at those supercilious moralists! And would not that today's concern themselves with pontificating without knowledge about sexual morality, but overlook how to alleviate poverty and other social problems!   

            We ever need to try to alleviate real problems instead of magnifiying other supposed ones. Yes, underage pregnancy and diseased youth calls out for problem-solving but not by what those theocons propose.  

             Less cruelty and other immoral practices occur today than in the  Ages of Faith as Richard Carrier and Steven Pinker expatiate.
    Lord Bertrand William Arthur Russell      "  History of Western Philosophy."


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